It is estimated that 200,000 football mouth injuries are prevented each year through the use of protection. A mouthguard will not only protect you and the ones you love from injury, but also from the cost of the procedures involved in healing in the injury.
When it comes to protecting your mouth there are 2 key pieces of gear to keep in mind:
1. Helmet- A helmet doesn’t just help protect against brain injuries and concussions. It also helps protect impact on your mouth and jaw. Make sure to wear a helmet that fits properly in order to get the protection you need.
2. Mouthguard- Custom mouth guards are the best option for protecting your teeth, tongue and lips from all sorts of sports mishaps. The best option when it comes to mouthguards is a custom one. If you want the security of a decent fitting mouthguard but don’t want a trip to the dentist, you can get acceptable levels of customization and fit from a boil-and-bite mouthguard.